
no sleep til'

brooklyn, ncs debauchery, columbia j-school debauchery

I've been a little frantic with packing up all my useless shit for the impending move to Brooklyn, not to mention the quick sojourn to Chicago for the annual National Cartoonists Society Weekend of Debauchery, so I haven't been keeping up on my responsibility to you, kind public, in providing a blow by blow (ha-ha) of the Semi-Official Annihilation Method Reveal. No cause for concern, kids, I'll get on that right away -- I swear! -- but in the mean time, please enjoy the best 'Overheard in New York' I've seen in a long, long while (and I can guarantee you it's all true - that's how we do [did!] it at j-school):

Guy: I said to myself 'he's never going to make it': he's a drug freak, he has three STDs. But you proved me wrong, my friend.

--Columbia Journalism School Graduation Reception


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